Xi’an Ancient City Wall

Xi’an City Wall

  • Chinese Name: 西安古城墙
  • Address: XiAn City,ShaanXi, China
  • Area: 21,219 mi²
  • Tickets: 54 RMB/per
  • Recommend tour timehalf Day
  • phone: +86 29 8727 2792
  • Offical Website: https://www.xacitywall.com/
  • circumference: 13.74KM
  • Opening Time: 08:00AM-22:00PM
  • Xi’an City Wall has four gates:
  • East: Changle Gate,
  • West: Anding Gate,
  • South: Yongning Gate,
  • North: An Yuan Gate
Xi’an City Wall

Xi’an City Wall

Xi’an City Wall Located in the center of Xi’an City, the Xi’an City Wall measures 12 meters high, 18 meters wide at the base and 15 meters wide at the top. It is 13.7 kilometers long and the length of the east, west, south and north walls are, respectively, 2590 meters, 2631.2 meters, 3441.6 meters and 3241 meters.

It has four gates; Changle Gate in the east, Anding Gate in the west, Yongning Gate in the south and Anyuan Gate in the north. The existing wall was built between 1374 and 1378, making it over 600 years old.

It is the oldest and most well preserved ancient city wall in all of China. In 1961, the State Council announced that the Xi’an City Wall was included in the first batch of national important historical sites that received special preservation.

Every 120 meters of the city wall, there is an enemy platform, protruding outside the city wall, and the top is level with the city wall. This is specially set up for shooting and killing enemies that climb the city. Half of the distance between the enemy stations is just within the effective range of the bow and arrow, which is convenient for shooting the enemy attacking the city from the side. There are a total of 98 enemy towers on the city wall, all of which are built with garrisoned enemy towers.

The ancient city wall of Xi’an includes a series of military facilities such as moats, suspension bridges, gate towers, arrow towers, main towers, corner towers, enemy towers, parapets, and crenels, forming a strict and complete military defense system.

Xi’an City Wall Xi’an City Wall Xi’an City Wall

Xi’an City Wall Photo

  •  Xi’an City Wall
  •  Xi’an City Wall
  •  Xi’an City Wall
  •  Xi’an City Wall
  •  Xi’an City Wall
  •  Xi’an City Wall
  •  Xi’an City Wall
  •  Xi’an City Wall

Xi’an City Wall Video

Xi’an City Wall Tourist Map

Xi’an City Wall Xi’an City Wall Xi’an City Wall

Xi’an City Wall Travel Guide

  • Cycle Rental Fee
  • Fee:1person BiCYCYLE—40RMB/100MIN;deposite:200RMB/PER
  • 2-PERSON BiCYCYLE—90RMB/120MIN,deposite:200RMB/PER
  • 3-PEDSON BiCYCYLE—60RMB/100MIN,deposite:200RMB/PER
  • By eco car with one cycle around city wall —80 RMB/per

Bicycle rental: 40 yuan/100 minutes for renting a single bicycle on the wall, 90 yuan/120 minutes for a double bicycle, and 60 yuan/100 minutes for a three-person bicycle. B. You can pay a deposit of 200 yuan or a valid certificate (usually an ID card) when you rent. You can return the car at any time by paying the deposit. You can return to the car at the east, west, south and north gates.

Xi’an City Wall Xi’an City Wall Xi’an City Wall Xi’an City Wall