Hangzhou West Lake

Hangzhou West Lake

  • Chinese name: 西湖
  • Foreign name: The West Lake
  • Location: West Lake Scenic Area, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China 中国浙江省杭州市西湖风景名胜区
  • Climate conditions: subtropical monsoon climate
  • Opening hours: open all year round
  • Attraction level: National AAAAA tourist attraction
  • Ticket price: free (fees are required for some scenic spots in the scenic area)
  • Land area: 49 km² (lake area 6.38 square kilometers)
  • Famous scenic spots: Broken Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda, Qianwang Temple, Jingci Temple, Su Xiaoxiao Tomb
  • Daily carrying capacity: 797,500 passengers/day
  • Tel: 0571-87977767,0571-87179617
Hangzhou West Lake

Hangzhou West Lake

West Lake is located at No. 1 Longjing Road, Xihu District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, China, in the west of downtown Hangzhou. The West Lake scenic area has a total area of 49 square kilometers, a catchment area of 21.22 square kilometers, and a lake surface area of 6.38 square kilometers.

Characteristic and Feature

Xihu Lake is surrounded by mountains on three sides, west and north, and the Bai Causeway, Su Causeway, Yanggong Causeway and Zhaogong Causeway in the lake divide the lake into several water surfaces. The outline of the lake is nearly oval, the bottom of the lake is relatively flat, the average water depth is 2.27 meters, the deepest is about 5 meters, and the shallowest is less than 1 meter. The natural surface water sources of West Lake are Jinsha Stream, Longhong Stream, Chishan Stream (Huiyin Stream) and Changqiao Stream. West Lake is located on the edge of the hills in southeastern China and the northern edge of the mid-subtropical zone. The average annual total solar radiation is between 100-110 kcal/cm2, and the sunshine hours are 1800-2100 hours.

Ten Scenes of West Lake

There are more than 100 park attractions in and around the West Lake. There have been “Ten Scenes of West Lake”, “Ten Scenes of New West Lake” and “Ten Scenes of West Lake in Three Reviews” in the past dynasties. There are more than 60 national, provincial and municipal key cultural relics protection units. And more than 20 museums, famous attractions include Broken Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda, Xiling Yinshe, Long Bridge, Qianwang Temple, Jingci Temple, Su Xiaoxiao Tomb, etc.

Tourism Rank

In 2007, Hangzhou West Lake Scenic Area was rated as “National AAAAA Tourist Attraction”. On June 24, 2011, “Hangzhou West Lake Cultural Landscape” was officially included in the “World Heritage List”

half a day or a day wandering

West Lake is undoubtedly the representative of the beauty of Hangzhou. The famous “Ten Scenes of West Lake” surrounds the lake. You don’t have to be obsessed with visiting every scenic spot, but you can spend half a day or a day wandering by the lake. No matter how you play, it will make you feel comfortable.

Hangzhou West Lake

Hangzhou West Lake Tourist Map

Hangzhou West Lake Tourist Map Hangzhou West Lake Tourist Map Hangzhou West Lake Tourist Map Hangzhou West Lake Tourist Map

Hangzhou West Lake Photo

  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou
  • West Lake.Hangzhou

Hangzhou West Lake Video

west lake.hangzhou
West Lake.Hangzhou

Hangzhou West Lake Travel Guide

Travel Method:

To visit the West Lake, you can walk, take a cruise ship, take a battery car, or drive or ride by yourself. Among them, the battery car is convenient and labor-saving. There are tourist buses that stop at the waving around the West Lake. The route just goes around the West Lake; cycling along the lake is romantic and leisurely. There are nearly 10 piers by the lake, and there are various boats and lines. It is recommended to take a boat to the Three Pools Reflecting the Moon in the center of the lake, and enjoy the scenery of the West Lake on the boat. Or recruit a hand rowing boat by the lake, and the boatman will take you to swim the lake, which is more free.

Northern scenery

There are many scenic spots on the north shore of West Lake, usually starting from the broken bridge in the northeast corner and going west all the way to Yuewang Temple. You can walk along the Bai Causeway all the way to Gushan, see Xiling Yinshe, Zhejiang Provincial Museum, China Seal Museum, Fanghe Pavilion and other cultural attractions, eat authentic West Lake vinegar fish in the building outside the building, and walk under the Xiling Bridge Island, not far from Yuewang Temple and Quyuan Fenghe.

If it is summer when the sun is strong, it is recommended to walk along Beishan Road, hide under the dense shade of trees and look at the curve of the broken bridge on the opposite Baidi and the swaying weeping willows. There are many entrances along the road leading to Baoshi Mountain, you can go to Climb the mountain to see the scenery, and go down the mountain to the Yuewang Temple. There are many small shops in Yuewang Square where you can eat, and the Impression West Lake performance here at night is also worth watching. If you have enough time and energy, you can also go up to Su Causeway from here and enjoy the panoramic view of West Lake on foot.

Southeast Coast (Hubin-Nanshan Road)

Another area where scenic spots are concentrated is Hubin Road-Nanshan Road on the southeast coast. Hubin Road is at the junction of downtown Hangzhou and the West Lake Scenic Area. You can see the scenery of the West Lake. There is also a pier where you can take a West Lake cruise and the iconic musical fountain. The advantage of Hubin Road is that it can quickly reach the business district in the city center from the scenic spot, which is suitable for short-term stays for tourists who are in a hurry.

From Hubin Road to the south, walk along Nanshan Road. Along the road, you can visit scenic spots such as Wenying in Liulang, Long Bridge, Leifeng Pagoda, Nanping Evening Bell, and Viewing Fish in Huagang. The distance between adjacent scenic spots is not too far, and you can walk , Tour buses and buses are also very convenient, you can arrange a day to choose a few to play according to your preferences. Among them, Leifeng Pagoda and Nanping Evening Bell can be arranged in the evening. Listening to the bell in Jingci Temple and overlooking the night view of West Lake from Leifeng Pagoda are all great experiences.

Hangzhou West Lake Hangzhou West Lake Hangzhou West Lake