Xi'an Terracotta Warriors

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors

  • Chinese Name: 秦始皇兵马俑
  • Address: Qinglin Township, Lintong County,XiAn,ShaanXi, China
  • Founded Time: 3rd century BC.
  • Tickets:140 RMB/per
  • low-seaSon:120 CNY
  • Recommend tour time2-3 hrs
  • Phone: +86 29 8139 9001
  • Offical Website:https://www.bmy.com.cn/2015new/index.htm
  • Opening Time: 8:30AM–5PM
  • Atrraction Level: UNESCO World Heritage
  • Audio Guide Rental Fee: CNY 40 / person; Deposit: CNY 100
Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Museum Xi'an Terracotta Warriors

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors

Terracotta Warriors

Qinshihuang Terracotta Warriors and Horses Museum is also known as Terracotta Warriors and Horses and Qin Terracotta Warriors and Horses. It is the burial pit of Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum, and together with Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum, it forms: Qin Shihuang’s Mausoleum Museum.

The Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang are known as the eighth wonder of the world. More than a thousand soldier pottery figurines unearthed here have different images and vivid expressions. They are a bright pearl in the history of ancient Chinese sculpture art and are known as “one of the great discoveries in the history of archeology in the 20th century”.

History background

Qin Shihuang began to build the cemetery when he came to the throne at the age of 13. It used nearly 720,000 manpower, and the construction took 38 years. The project is huge. The cemetery was not completed until the death of Qin Shihuang, and it was completed by Hu Hai, the second emperor of Qin Dynasty, for more than one year.
According to rumors, Qin Shihuang spent countless manpower, material and financial resources to build an underground palace for himself, and the terracotta warriors and horses are the guardians of the underground palace.

Qin terracotta warriors and horses can be described as a typical example of terracotta warriors buried in place of human beings. The reason why the terracotta warriors have reached such a high level of scale and realism is not only the wisdom of the craftsmen, but also the will of the emperor.

In March 1974, farmers in Xiyang Village, Lintong District, Shaanxi Province accidentally discovered some fragments of pottery figurines when digging a well. After more than a year of exploration and trial excavation by archaeologists, it was confirmed that it was a large pit of figurines. The world-famous No. 1 Terracotta Warriors and Horses Pit.
In April and May of 1976, on both sides of Pit No. 1, Pit No. 2 and No. 3 Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses were discovered. The size and shape of each pit and the unearthed utensils are different. Some scholars believe that Pit No. 3 is the command headquarters of Pit No. 1 and No. 2 Terracotta Warriors and Horses, which was called “Military Curtain” in ancient times.

The Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang, established on the ruins of the burial pits of the Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Dynasty, was officially opened in 1979. The main places to visit include Pit No. 1, No. 2 and No. 3 of Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Dynasty, the exhibition hall of bronze chariots and horses and related temporary exhibitions.

 Xi'an Terracotta Warriors

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Video

 Xi'an Terracotta Warriors

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Tour

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors

1 Day Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Tour

  • Xi’an TerraCotta Worrior
  • Xi’an City Highlights Tour
china xian tour

All Inclusive 1 Day Xi’an Off-The-Beaten-Path Private Day Trip

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  • Hanyanling Museum

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Transfer:Car Rental With Driver

Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Car Rental with Driver Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Car Rental with Driver
  • Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Car Rental with Driver
  • Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Car Rental with Driver
  • Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Car Rental with Driver
  • Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Car Rental with Driver


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  • round trip
  • parking cost,fuel cost,toll,express cost
  • driver’s lunch


  • terracotta army’s tickets
  • english tour guide
  • tips for driver(not compulsory)

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Tourist Map

Xi'an Terracotta Warriors tourist map Xi'an Terracotta Warriors Xi'an Terracotta Warriors

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Photo

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Tour (Terracotta Army  Xi'an Terracotta Warriors tour  Xi'an Terracotta Warriors tour  Xi'an Terracotta Warriors tour  Xi'an Terracotta Warriors tour Xi'an Terracotta Warriors
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum
  • Terracotta Warriors Museum

Xi’an Terracotta Warriors Travel Guide

Visting Guide

Museum tickets can visit three terracotta warriors and horses pits including Pit No. 1, the exhibition room of unearthed cultural relics, the exhibition hall of bronze chariots and horses, and the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang. The terracotta warriors and horses unearthed here can be divided into generals, warriors, chariots, etc. according to their costumes, expressions, and hairstyles. The pottery figurines and pottery horses were originally painted, but most of them have peeled off and changed color due to subsequent fire and soaking.

Pit No. 1

The No. 1 terracotta pit in the scenic spot was excavated earlier. The terracotta pit is about 230 meters long from east to west and 62 meters wide from north to south. According to the arrangement density of the unearthed pottery figurines and horses during the test excavation, about 6,000 pottery figurines, pottery horses and a large number of bronze weapons are buried in Pit No. 1.

Pit No. 1 is also the most shocking exhibition hall that has been pieced together so far. You can see a huge army of terracotta warriors standing in the pit, with different shapes. It is said that there are more than 30 shapes of beards alone. Observe carefully, every soldier is lifelike, from armor to expressions, from weapons to the lines on the palms, everything is amazing.

Pit 2 and Pit 3

Pit No. 2 and Pit No. 3 are on both sides of Pit No. 1. Like Pit No. 1, there are nearly 2,000 pottery figurines and horses of the same size as real people and real horses. There are different arms such as chariots, cavalry and infantry, arranged in an orderly manner. Although the shock is not as good as Pit No. 1, it is also worth seeing because the teams and functions of each figurine pit are different.

The terracotta warriors and horses are created on the basis of real life. The artistic techniques are exquisite, and the costumes and expressions of the terracotta warriors are different. They have distinct personalities and strong characteristics of the times. The bronze weapons unearthed in the terracotta pit include swords, beryllium, spears, spears, halberds, scorpions, crossbows, and a large number of arrowheads. Most of the weapons are still sharp after more than two thousand years, indicating that there was already a high metallurgical technology at that time. .

Bronze Chariots and Horses Exhibition Hall

In December 1980, archaeologists unearthed two large-scale painted bronze chariots and horses about 20 meters west of the mausoleum of Qin Shihuang’s mausoleum and about seven meters deep from the surface. The large and well-preserved bronze chariots and horses have important research value for the smelting and bronze manufacturing technology and vehicle structure of the Qin Dynasty in my country. There are four horses driving in front of each car, and there is a figurine of an imperial official on each car. The bronze chariots and horses are lifelike in shape and gorgeous in decoration, and a large amount of gold and silver are used as ornaments and components. The production is very delicate, and it is known as the “Bronze Crown”.

 Xi'an Terracotta Warriors

Travel Tips

  • Go early in the morning to avoid crowds
  • The Museum of Terracotta Warriors and Horses of Qin Shihuang is full of tourists every day. When visiting, you can avoid the peak and start playing from Pit No. 3. After the tour, tourists can take the tourist bus in the scenic spot to the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang.
 Xi'an Terracotta Warriors  Xi'an Terracotta Warriors