what’s the noisy of cruise ship? does it matter to sleep?

You are here: Home » Yangtze River Cruise Tour> »YANGTZE RIVER CRUISE what’s the noisy of cruise ship? 长江三峡豪华游轮各个房间都不会“噪音太大影响休息”,因为它们都是采用的欧洲邮轮的降噪、减震标准设计,并且发动机舱使用了静音罩和避振穴,游轮的公共区域噪音不会超过55分贝,所有的房间里面不会超过50分贝(当然,不同楼层和不同房间稍有差别)。 Not really.The 5-star cruise ships are designed by the ocean cruise standard and equipped the noise reduce device and Anti-vibration Cave to ensure passengers a pleasant journey. The noise in the public area <55 decibel,in rooms <50 decibel. Most… Continue reading what’s the noisy of cruise ship? does it matter to sleep?