Tibet Yamdrok Lake

Yamdrok Lake

  • Chinese Name: 羊卓雍错
  • Foreign name: Yamzho Yumco
  • Address: 70km from east-south lhasa, Tibet, China
  • Location: 西藏自治区山南市贡嘎县307省道
  • Lake shoreline: 250KM
  • Coordinates: 28°56′N 90°41′E
  • Max. width (south-north)72 kilometers
  • Recommend tour time1 hour
  • Average depth:20-60 meters
  • Surface area: 638 km2 (246 sq mi)
  • Area: 675 km²
  • length(east-west):
  • Altitude: 4,441m
  • Opening hours: 09:00-18:30 throughout the year
  • Ticket price: 60 yuan/person
  • Suggested play time: 1 hour
  • Suitable season for play: September-November is the best
  • Climate conditions: sub-frigid plateau, temperate semi-arid monsoon climate
Tibet Yamdrok Lake

Yamdrok Lake (Yamzho Yumco)

one of the three holy lakes in Tibet

Yamdrok Lake, which means “Swan Lake” in Tibetan, is one of the three holy lakes in Tibet. “the meaning of. Geographically, it belongs to Langkazi County in the Shannan area. The lake is 4,441 meters above sea level, with a total length of 250 kilometers of shoreline, a total area of 638 square kilometers, and an average depth of 20-40 meters. It is the largest inland lake in the northern foothills of the Himalayas. There are many forks in Yanghu Lake, like coral branches, so it is also called “the coral lake above” in Tibetan.

10 small islands distributed in the lake

There are more than 10 small islands distributed in the lake, the large ones can accommodate five or six households, and the small ones are only more than 100 square meters. The lake is rich in leptospirosis, Tibetan schist, plateau naked carp and so on. This is also the largest waterfowl habitat in southern Tibet. Every winter, flocks of birds migrate here. There are many swans, water pigeons, yellow ducks, ospreys and bar-headed geese on the shore of the lake and the island in the middle of the lake.

Beautiful Scenery from a distance

Yamdrok Yongcuo is much more beautiful from a distance than close up. After climbing the 5030-meter Gangbala Pass, it takes about 30 minutes to go down the road to the shore of Yanghu Lake. This road is a good angle to appreciate Yamdrok Yongcuo. There are multiple viewing platforms on the road, where you can stop and take pictures.

Tibet Yamdrok Lake

Allusion of Yamdrok (Yamzho Yumco)

It is said that devout Buddhists make a circle around the lake every year, and it takes at least a month. This is equivalent to their pilgrimage to Lhasa once. In doing so, at least “the Buddha will bless him this year” is auspicious.

The main reason why Yamdrok Yumso is called the “holy lake” is said to be able to help people find the reincarnation of the Dalai Lama. After the Dalai Lama passed away, the upper-class Tibetan monks and laymen formed a team responsible for finding the soul boy. First, the living Buddha was asked to hang up and the wizard to cast down the gods to point out the location of the soul boy. Then he went to the Yamdrok Lake to chant sutras and pray and cast Hada to the lake. , Aquarium, medicine, etc.; finally, the person who presided over the ceremony will see the development from the lake, indicating the more specific location of the soul boy. If the directions shown in the above three rituals are the same, then you can send out troops to find the soul boy in the directions shown.

Tibetans worship the Yamdrok Yumso, and more often regard her as Daqinmu of the Yamdrok Yumso, that is, Dorje Gaijizo (the lord of the King Kong barrier) of the Great Lakes of the Yamdrok Yumso. She is the female guardian of the Tibetan region. God. Therefore, Yamdrok Yumso is not only the incarnation of the dragon girl, but also the residence of the female guardian god, which has multiple functions or supernatural powers.

Tibet Yamdrok Lake

Yamdrok Lake (Yamzho Yumco ) Video

Yamdrok Lake Photo

Tibet Yamdrok Lake Tibet Yamdrok Lake
  • Yamdrok Yongcuo. Tibet
  • Yamdrok Yongcuo. Tibet
  • Yamdrok Yongcuo. Tibet
  • Yamdrok Yongcuo. Tibet
  • Yamdrok Yongcuo. Tibet
  • Yamdrok Yongcuo. Tibet
  • Yamdrok Yongcuo. Tibet
  • Yamdrok Yongcuo. Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
  • Yamdrok Lake,Tibet
Tibet Yamdrok Lake

Yamdrok Lake (Yamzho Yumco) Tourist Map

Tibet Yamzho Yumco Tourist Map Tibet Tourist Map

Yamdrok Lake Travel Guide

Tibet Yamdrok Lake Tibet Yamdrok Lake Tibet Yamdrok Lake

Yamdrok Lake Tour Package

yamdrok lake tour

5 Days Tibet Yamdrok Lake Tour

  • Lhasa city highlight tour attractions
  • Yamdrok lake
Tibet Tourist Map Tibet Tourist Map